2 year old diarrhea and sores on tongue

What should my 2 year old Temperature be?.
2 year old vomiting at night - Parenting.

2 year old diarrhea and sores on tongue
2 year old diarrhea and sores on tongue
01.11.2008 · 98.6*F/37*C orally(under the tongue) and 97.6*F/36.4*C Axillary(under the arm) The human body should be the same temp at any age. It's the B/P or Blood
Where can I find a dietitian who works with infants and toddlers? Answer; Our ten month old daughter has come out in pimply bumps on her cheeks. We introduced
I have experienced on 4 occasions in the last 6 years a rather weird Diarrhoea attack which really is painful and scary. Here is a description of what occurs. 1.
Stomach Cramp, Diarrhea, sweating , light.
4 Year Old Having Loose Stool for Weeks.
My daughter is two years old and this past Sunday she woke up vomiting. At the time we thought that most likely she had gotten into some bad food because her Father
Read all 15 responses: "Approx 5 weeks ago, my 4 year old complained of a stomach ache. She was crying and kept saying she wanted to puke. I sat with her for the day
07.10.2008 · Best Answer: you don't need to take her to the ER that's silly. I can't believe how people freak out over a little fever. A fever is a good thing, it means
Stomach Cramp, Diarrhea, sweating , light.
What should my 2 year old Temperature be?.